Case Study
Extensive collaboration in the recruitment of experienced professionals and managers, as well as recent university graduates, in the energy sector.
Starting Point
The Finnish energy company Caruna aims to constantly attract experienced professionals in energy and electrical power engineering, as well as experts in the electricity market, who can effectively support the success of their business.
However, there is a shortage of such professionals in the field, making it challenging to find suitable candidates. Since 2022, Caruna has turned to us for assistance in recruiting these experts.
Our Solution
Efficient recruitment of experts and managers
Through a Hybrid Search – combining Search & Hire and Headhunting – we have identified experts for Caruna's specific needs, both for replacement and new roles within the organization.
Consultation in the recruitment process
We have supported Caruna's recruiting managers and ensured the smooth execution of an applicant-friendly recruitment process from start to finish.
Enhanced marketing of summer job opportunities
Caruna's summer job opportunities and corporate culture have been comprehensively marketed in the most relevant social media channels as part of the recruitment efforts.
10/10Customer satisfaction
100%Recruitment hitrate
Here are some expert roles we've recruited:
- Land Use Manager
- Business Specialist
- Project Developer
- Summer Intern, Technology & Data and Robotics Developer
- Summer Intern, Operations Center
- Summer Intern, Project and Land Use Expert
- Summer Intern, Billing Service Specialist
- Summer Intern, Web Service Specialist
- Summer Intern, HSEQ Coordinator
- Summer Intern, High-Voltage Distribution Network Projects
- Summer Intern, Procurement & Sales Services
- Summer Intern, Executive Assistant
- Summer Intern, Planning and Portfolio Management
- Summer Intern, Automation
- Trainee, Marketing & Communications
- Trainee, Business Development
- Trainee, Electric Network & Customer Solutions Development
Are you also planning for recruitment?
We would be happy to discuss different options and answer every question you might have. Please don't hesitate to contact us and ask for a quote!